A Great Big Glossary of Photography Terms

Glossary of Photography Terms for all photo and video users

One BIG problem people have while learning photography is all of the terminology and acronyms that are used.  Photography can almost use a language of its own, so I’ll try to help with a glossary of photography terms and acronyms to help you navigate this new language.

Here is a listing of some of the terms used in this site as well as others that you might come across. Throughout the lessons, as new words are introduced, they will have a tooltip and link to the term in this glossary.

If you see any term that doesn’t have a definition, please email me and I will add it.

If you see any word or acronym that doesn’t have a definition, please email me and I will add it. It’s hard to keep up with the latest terms, but I will do my best to keep this list updated.